Podcast Chapters Support

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Could Not Export MP3 File: Your MP3 file uses the ID3 version 2.2.

The program you’ve encoded your MP3 with hasn’t encoded it with the version of the metadata that supports chapter markers. This is common if you’ve exported it as an MP3 directly from Garageband. Fortunately, it’s an easy fix:

  1. Open iTunes and drag your MP3 file into the window.
  2. In the top-right of the window, ensure iTunes is in the Songs mode. By default it’ll be in Albums mode.
  3. Find your episode and right click it. Click Convert ID3 Tags.
  4. Select v2.3.
  5. Press OK
  6. Right click (or Control-Click) the file in iTunes again. Click Show in Finder.
  7. Copy this back into your working directory. This file should now work perfectly in Chapters.

This is a part of the Chapters experience I'm hoping to improve in future releases, so make sure your version of Chapters is always up to date! Still need help? Email me.